For example, when we are planning our date night all that needs to be said is: "Do you want to go out to eat?"
It's automatically understood that the answer to this question is. "Yes, let's go get Thai food!"
One of my favorite things on the menu is Masaman curry- so much so that I had to learn a few tricks of my own to tide me over between dates which, let's face it, don't happen as often as they did 2-3 kids ago...
1 Tbsp soybean oil
2 tbsp sugar
1/2 tbsp salt
1 cup potato, diced
2-4 Tbsp masaman curry paste (use more for a stronger flavor)
1 1/2 cup coconut milk
1/2 lb boneless, skinless chicken
1 tablespoon tamarind
1/4 cup peanuts (optional)
2 pinches cardamom
2 bay leaves (optional)
Heat a wok over medium high heat. Stir-fry Masaman curry paste with oil then add 1 cup coconut milk. Break up the paste and mix well with coconut milk. Stir constantly to keep the mixture from sticking. When you see the red oil bubbling up (about 5 minutes), add the meat and another 1/2 cup coconut milk, stir to cover the meat with curry. Heat until boiling. Add the rest of the ingredients, except for potatoes, onion and cashew. Stew for 1/2 hour or until chicken is cooked. Add potatoes, onion and cashews. Let simmer for 20 minutes more. The liquid should be reduced and you should be able to see some chunks. But, if the liquid is very low, add some water.
Masaman tastes great if you let it sit overnight so that the spices penetrate the meat and potatoes. I find that the tastes just don't come together until the next day.
**I've also added Summer squash and bell peppers the last 5-10 minutes of cooking.
I usually make enough masaman to have for days.
I usually make enough masaman to have for days.
Okay, but seriously, look how beautifully you cut those potatoes! How did you do that to make them look like leaves?
We LOVE curry, so I might end up trying this recipe. I will have to locate the curry paste and soybean oil, other than that I have everything else on hand.
WUHOOO! I wonder if there is an alternative to curry paste.
I've tried a few different spice blends Melanie to try to come up with my own version of the curry paste.. to no avail. it's very important! But I have figured out that it's WAY cheaper to buy it at an Asian food store if you have one nearby rather than the Asian food section in the grocery store.
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